Where can I download the latest Dolphin version?
You can learn more about the latest Dolphin version, its improvements and newly implemented features on the BoonEx products page.
How can I test the latest version?
The latest versions of all BoonEx products are available for testing at Demozzz.com
Do you release beta versions?
Sure! We release several Beta versions and Release Candidates before the final release. All Beta versions of all BoonEx products are available for download at BoonEx Blog.
Where can I get support services?
Dolphin, and other BoonEx products, is supported via Unity system.
Where can I find/order modifications, templates and other plug ins for my Community website powered by Dolphin?
All miscellaneous products for Dolphin and other BoonEx products are offered at Unity
What if I have some development skills and can develop modifications or other things for Dolphin?
You are welcome to join Unity, where you can register as an expert and offer your products and support services.
I have some good ideas for future Dolphin versions
You are welcome to discuss your ideas at Unity or TRAC system to contribute to the Dolphin development process.
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